

  • I do not examine, diagnose or treat patients, prescribe medications, or otherwise manage any medical condition.
  • I do not replace medical care provided by your doctor or other healthcare professional.
  • I do not make decisions for, or on behalf of, a client.
  • If a client’s needs are outside the scope of my expertise, I refer them to other qualified professionals or suggest consultation that includes a secondary specialist patient advocate.
  • I do not guarantee medical, legal or financial outcomes.
  • Information provided on this website and as part of a client agreement is not a substitute for professional medical, legal or financial advice.

Code of Ethics

  • As a Board Certified Patient Advocate, I adhere to a professional code that consists of Principles, Ethical Standards and a Code of Conduct, and maintain core competencies and best practices required by the Patient Advocate Certification Board (PACB).
  • Spark Health Navigation does not discriminate and is fully inclusive, serving all people regardless of ethnicity, sexuality, gender identification or religious beliefs.
  • Spark Health Navigation complies with the principles of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

        Privacy and Confidentiality


        • Your interactions with me, verbal and written, are strictly confidential.
        • Your personal health information is securely shared and handled via HIPAA-compliant services. All email is encrypted.
        • I do not share personal health information with anyone other than the designated parties you, the client, assign.

          (781) 710-8555 or (781) 923-0991

        Spark Health Navigation is a patient advocacy practice based in greater Boston, serving clients anywhere in the U.S.